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Operated Since 1975

Dress Like Mom or Dad Day

Dress Like Mom or Dad Day

Dress Like Mom or Dad Day!   We thought it would be really cute for the kids to come to school dressed like their mom, dad or any special person in their life. As we all know, the adults in a child’s life help shape to who they are; regardless if it is a parent,...
MRX News

MRX News

What is MRX? Every parent wants to know what their child is doing at school. However, more often than not when you ask your child what they did today, they will most likely answer, “I played” or “nothing”. Of course, as parents, we know this is not true but we also...
Norbeck Montessori Summer Camp

Norbeck Montessori Summer Camp

Summer Time at Norbeck It’s hard to believe that summer is just around the corner. This summer at Norbeck Montessori promises to be one of our best summers ever! We have created some brand new themes and AMAZING projects and activities. We can’t wait to go exploring,...

St. Patrick’s Day Fun!

Norbeck was filled with our little ones dressed in green to make sure that they wouldn’t get pinched! We had a lot of fun trying to catch those silly Leprechauns, somehow they were able to get inside without us knowing and cause a ruckus! Clocks turned upside down,...

Norbeck Montessori’s Parent Child Night

[masterslider id=”4″]   Last night was an exciting night for our children as they became the teachers in the classroom! Each child got a chance to pick three of their favorite lessons to show one of their parents and “teach” them how to do those...