For a detailed description of each policy please click on the corresponding link below:
Sick Policy
If your child does become sick, we need you to be aware of all their symptoms, especially fever.
It is OUR POLICY HERE AT NORBECK that the children MUST be FEVER FREE – after ALL symptoms have cleared – for 24 HOURS. This means that if we call you to pick up your child from school because of a fever he/she will not be allowed to return the following day.
Children must also be FREE FROM VOMITING or DIARRHEA for at least 24 HOURS after the symptoms have ended.
Children with PINK EYE must HAVE DROPS ADMINISTERED for 24 HOURS before returning to school.
“Because many doctors have different standards for medicines, treatments, and returning children to school we have compiled these policies keeping the needs of ALL our students in mind.”
When children return to school after an illness, it has often times been requested by the parent that the child stay inside if the class goes out to play, especially in the winter months. Please be advised that we will do our best to honor your wish, however, we cannot always guarantee
Snow and Delayed Opening Policy
SNOW POLICY: In the event of severe weather conditions; snow storms, icy roads, etc.: please be advised that if Montgomery County Public Schools are closed then our school will be closed as well.
DELAYED OPENINGS: If MCPS has a delayed opening, our school will open at 9:30 a.m. In the event of MCPS early dismissal, Norbeck will close no later than 3:00 p.m. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up as soon as possible so our staff can leave on time and get home safely. Please stay tuned to WTOP for announcements.
If walkway conditions are icy, please be sure that you, or a staff member, assist your child from exiting your car. If no staff member is outside to greet you, always walk your child inside to a staff member.
Health Certificates and Immunization Records
Health Department regulations require that each NEW child enrolled in the Center must have a current Immunization Record and Physician’s Certificate of Physical Examination at the time of admission to the Center. Children currently enrolled do not need to submit new records, however, it is the responsibility of the parent to keep us advised if there is a change in your child’s physical or immunization status. All physical and dietary restrictions must be noted by the physician. These forms must be received by the Center no later than August 1st.
Emergency Cards
An emergency card must be completed for each child (one card only if more than one child from the same family) giving all necessary information if there should be an emergency. All cards must be submitted, signed and dated no later than August 1st. A NEW card must be submitted annually for all children enrolled at the center.
Lunches / Snacks
LUNCHES: Lunch time is scheduled from 12:20 – 1:00 p.m. The children eat with their friends in their classroom. Children should bring their food and drinks in a lunchbox and plastic thermos labeled with permanent markers. When planning lunches, please keep in mind your child’s food preferences as well as appropriately sized servings. We strongly encourage nutritious foods and a minimum of sweet and salty snack foods. Yogurts, fruits, cut-up vegetables, cheese and crackers and a juice or milk are foods that the children enjoy.
Because lunchtime is also a social time for the children to relax and enjoy the company of their peers, many children like to “munch” on finger foods. Lunchtime is supervised by the staff and the children are encouraged to eat their lunches, however, a child is never told to finish if he appears to have had enough. The children are directed to eat their main course first, followed by snack foods and deserts. All uneaten foods will be returned to the child’s lunchbox and will be sent home. This will guide you in planning lunches. All children at the Center enjoy a nutritious mid-morning snack. Children still in attendance in the afternoon are provided a snack at 3:00 pm. If you have concerns about your child’s eating habits please let us know.
Optional hot lunches are offered on Wednesday (Noodles and Company), Thursday (Chick Fil-A), and Friday (Papa John’s Pizza).
SNACKS: Parents are requested to contribute the snack for their child’s class for two (2) separate weeks during the school year. We will send home a listing of suggested foods, however, substitutions can be made. Our emphasis is on providing a healthy, nutritious snack for the children, as free from excess sugar, salt and additives as possible. Snack time provides children with an opportunity to learn the basics of good nutrition, to assist the staff in the distribution of the snack with the help of a “special friend”, and to share in the snack with his classmates. If you find that you are scheduled for a particular week and cannot contribute at that time, please let the Center staff know as soon as possible so that we may adjust our schedule.
The Center recognizes and celebrates many holidays during the school year. Parents are encouraged to share their family or ethnic traditions with the children. Please refer to the Center calendar and watch for flyers providing information on upcoming events.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Formal parent-teacher conferences are scheduled one time during the year. At this time, we will discuss your child’s educational and social development, strengths, and possible concerns that we may have or that you are experiencing. Recommendations for your child’s placement for the following year will also be addressed.
Administration of Medication Policy
The health of a child is an important factor in the learning process. Cooperation among the private medical sector, the home, and the Center is essential. In general, the administration of medication to students while they are at the Center should be avoided. Treatment scheduled which allow medications to be given at times other than Center hours are preferred and encouraged. When, however, in the opinion of the child’s physician, it is necessary that medication be given during Center hours, a representative of the Center will administer the medication in accordance with the following procedure:
“Parents must hand deliver the prescribed medication to their child’s teacher or assistant and give any pertinent information that may be needed regarding the purpose of the medication and any possible side effects that we should be aware of. Parents are required to complete and sign the AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION form before we will give any medications. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. All medications must be in the original pharmacy container labeled with your child’s name, the name of the medication, the time to be given, and the duration of the treatment. The name and phone number of the attending physician must also be included in the event that we need to contact him. The center reserves the right to refuse to administer any medication if we feel, after careful consideration, that the possible side effects or potential adverse reactions are greater than our ability to handle. Parents may be asked (in this situation) to administer the medication and observe the child for a specific period of time as determined by the Center.”
The parent is responsible for administering the medication at home for the first 24 hours.
In cases of long term medication for chronic conditions, a new authorization form must be filed with the Center each year in September. Any and all medication changes must be accompanied by a new form.
A NEW authorization form must be completed and filed for each episode of illness and each new medication.
Absolutely no “over-the-counter” medications will be given unless submitted in accordance with the above stated policy.
Under no circumstances should a parent ever send medication in a child’s lunchbox or book bag for the child to take himself.
Billing Procedures
All accounts are due in full on the first of each month. Any accounts not paid in full by the 5th of the month will be charged a late fee of $35.00.
Note: Bills will be sent only for extra hours, overdue accounts, and miscellaneous charges. Excessive late fees and overdue accounts may result in the suspension of the child from the Center until the account is brought up to date. If you have a question or concern about your account, please notify us immediately.
Preschool Tours & Applications for Norbeck Montessori
Are you ready to see us in action? Or do you just have a few more questions? Either way, we would love to speak with you. Visit our Info and Tours page to contact us or schedule a tour.
Enrollment opens every January for the upcoming summer and fall sessions and we take applicants on a first come first served basis.
Is Norbeck Montessori Near Me?
Although our Montessori school is located in Rockville, we have kindergarten students who come from surrounding areas, including Aspen Hill, Colesville, Gaithersburg, Glenmont, Norbeck, Olney, Shady Grove, Silver Spring, Wheaton, and nearby areas of Montgomery County.
Stop by and see our Norbeck Montessori school in action.
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What Parents Say
We believe that clear communication with parents is essential to the child’s wellbeing. It is particularly important during the early preschool years when children reach and surpass many developmental milestones. Naturally, we work diligently to help each of the children to be best taken care of. That is the reason why the parents give us best reviews. Here are a few of them.