summer camp 2025
“Curiosity meets Creativity”
– Every summer moment unfolds as a captivating blend of laughter and valuable lessons in learning.”
Summer Programs 2025
At Norbeck Montessori, we recognize that families have different needs for the summer. Therefore, we offer two different program options – Summer Camp and Montessori Instruction.
Program ThEmes and details
Our camp offers families the flexibility to choose the weeks they need for camp. This summer, children ages 2-6 will enjoy exciting and engaging activities. We offer children 9 weeks of stimulating and enriching experiences in varying areas of interest. Each theme offers both indoor and outdoor activities to provide children with endless fun and exploration.
June 16 – June 27
Jun 30 – July 4
July 7 – July 18
July 21 – July 25
July 28 – Aug 1
Aug 4 – Aug 8
Aug 11 – Aug 15
Kid’s Kitchen
It’s a Small
What a Mess!
Summer is heating up! Dive in and explore the deep blue sea. We’ll explore and enjoy great ocean themed arts & crafts and yummy snacks!
Norbeck will be closed on Thursday, June 19th.
It’s 4th of July! What better way to celebrate America’s Birthday than to have a barbeque! Throughout the week our campers will learn some history and create some Patriotic arts & crafts. Our Annual Barbeque will be on Thursday, July 3rd. We’ll have hotdogs, chips, watermelon, and popsicles. Yum! Norbeck will be closed on Friday, July 4th.
Campers will put on their aprons and chef’s hats and make some “No Cook Cooking” recipes. We’ll also explore health and nutrition. At the close of the week, campers will come home with their own recipe book to share with their families.
Let’s get gardening! Your camper will learn science concepts and interact with nature through hands-on gardening activities. We’ve got arts & crafts to go along with our findings in the garden.
Grab your passports and hop on a plane. We will explore the 7 continents, famous landmarks, holidays and celebrations, food, and language. We will end the week with an international food celebration.
Campers will travel back in time (65 million years to be exact) to learn about these fascinating creatures. We will learn the names of different dinosaurs, what they ate, and where they lived.
Well I’ll Say, What a Mess! We will be ending summer with our messiest week of all. Children should come ready to get messy. This week’s activities include play dough, whipped cream eating contest, shaving cream battles, mud pie making, and so much more! Norbeck will be closed Friday, August 15th for Professional day.
Summer Programs Pricing

Timings: 7:30 Am – 6:00 PM
Timings: 8:00 AM – 3:30PM
Timings: 8:45 AM – 12.15 AM
Montessori Instruction
A Montessori summer gives you the unique opportunity to enroll your child in an educational program all summer long, with traditional-type camp fun incorporated throughout the day. Whether you’re a current Norbeck family and you want to continue the academics all year long or you are new to Norbeck and want to see what Montessori has to offer, this is the program for you!
*Please note that Norbeck Montessori requires families to sign up for a minimum of 7 out of 9 weeks for both Summer Camp and Montessori Instruction.
(Children must be at least 3 years old and potty trained by 6/1/2025 to participate in this program.)

Montessori Instruction Programs Pricing

Timings: 7:30 Am – 6:00 PM
Timings: 8:00 AM – 3:30PM
Timings:8:45 AM – 12.15 AM