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Operated Since 1975

Summer is the time of the year when your kids may take a break from school and have a lot of fun with their families and friends in the neighborhood. What if we told you that there is another way you may give your kids a pleasant and productive summer besides letting them stay home all day? Yes, you heard correctly. Through our summer camp program, we can increase your kids’ enjoyment of the season.

Our summer camp in Maryland can offer plenty of benefits to your children. Aside from making your children’s summer an unforgettable experience, our summer camp is also able to:

  • Help promote independence
    At camp, a child experiences time away from their parents, allowing them to become more independent and self-reliant as they try to discover their strength and weaknesses.
  • Help develop lifelong skills
    The students can take part in a variety of group activities throughout the camp, where they can learn the value of cooperation and teamwork as well as many abilities, including social, communication, and leadership skills.
  • Encourage kids to play
    We believe that free play is essential for a child’s growth. This is because kids can use their imaginations and creative thinking abilities while they play. Additionally, they can meet new people while having fun.

Norbeck Montessori is a quality provider of child care in Rockville, Maryland. Our goal is to help your child utilize their fullest potential at their own pace.

In our Montessori school, your child will be able to learn new things and develop their skills and talents while being surrounded by a warm, loving, and fun environment.

If you are interested in enrolling your child in our preschool in Maryland, please contact us at (301) 924-4233.