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Operated Since 1975


Early Childhood Education in Rockville, Maryland

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Montessori Education

Norbeck Montessori follows the philosophy and techniques of the Montessori method developed by Maria Montessori. This time-tested, proven curriculum builds skills and knowledge across a broad range of disciplines. With smaller class sizes than traditional preschool or daycare centers, Norbeck Montessori teachers are able to focus on the individual child, exploring their unique abilities and potential. It is our mission to build upon each child’s curiosity, creativity, and imagination, fostering a lifelong love of learning.

Already taken a tour? Apply for admission to our top-quality Rockville Montessori school for the coming year.


Our Montessori Curriculum

A good early childhood education helps set your child up for success later in life. Norbeck Montessori preschool and kindergarten students work with their teachers and peers to help learn and grow. As part of the Montessori curriculum, we teach our preschoolers and kindergarteners:

  • norbeck iconPractical life skills. We provide our Montessori students with an entire area of the classroom devoted to practicing real, meaningful activities that will help them later in life. These lessons are meticulously put together to help our preschool and kindergarten students develop coordination, independence, and a sense of responsibility, and promote concentration.
  • norbeck iconSensorial Montessori development. At the early ages of 2 to 6 years old, our preschool and kindergarten students are becoming aware of their five senses. The sensorial Montessori area helps children develop their senses of sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound to become more aware of the physical world around them. This is where our preschool and kindergarten students begin to develop the skills necessary for abstract thought.
  • norbeck iconLanguage arts. At this time in a preschool and kindergarten child’s life, they are wide open to developing language skills. At Norbeck Montessori in Rockville, we provide the proper environment to help them develop their language skills. Skills such as phonetics, vocabulary, letter, and symbol recognition are learned, then students are transitioned to word cards and eventually reading and writing stories independently.
  • norbeck iconMathematics. Math is a subject that continuously builds on each skill to achieve greater and greater complexity. After all, you can’t do calculus without first knowing how to add and subtract! Our preschool and kindergarten students learn the basic foundation of mathematics, from counting to understanding quantities and learning symbols.
  • norbeck iconCulture. Although our school is in Rockville, we want to prepare our preschool and kindergarten students to be citizens of the world. Our Montessori curriculum is designed to pique a child’s natural curiosity to “why” and “how” questions to help them make sense of the world around them.

Prices & Tuition for Norbeck Montessori in Rockville, Please email or call the school for current prices and tuition rates.

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How to Apply for Preschool & Kindergarten at Norbeck Montessori

Enrollment opens every January for the upcoming summer and fall sessions and we take applicants on a first come first served basis. For links and instructions on how to apply, click here. We strongly encourage all parents and guardians to tour our Montessori school before applying to a preschool or kindergarten program.

Information & School Tours

Are you ready to see us in action? Or do you just have a few more questions? Either way, we would love to speak with you. Visit our Information and Tours page to ask a question or schedule a tour.


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Preschool Tours & Applications for Norbeck Montessori in Maryland

Are you ready to see us in action? Or do you just have a few more questions? Either way, we would love to speak with you. Visit our Information and Tours page to contact us or schedule a tour.

Enrollment opens every January for the upcoming summer and fall sessions and we take applicants on a first come first served basis. For links and instructions on how to apply, click here.

Is Norbeck Montessori Near Me?

Although our Montessori school is located in Rockville, we have kindergarten students who come from surrounding areas, including Aspen Hill, Colesville, Gaithersburg, Glenmont, Norbeck, Olney, Shady Grove, Silver Spring, Wheaton, and nearby areas of Montgomery County.

Stop by and see our Rockville Montessori school in action. 

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What Parents Say

We believe that clear communication with parents is essential to the child’s wellbeing. It is particularly important during the early preschool years when children reach and surpass many developmental milestones. Naturally, we work diligently to help each of the children to be best taken care of.  That is the reason why the parents give us  best reviews. Here are a few of them.

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