Why Norbeck Montessori
Preschool in Rockville, MD
why choose
Norbeck Montessori
By embracing the most fundamental teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, our Rockville preschool and kindergarten classrooms consistently offer children the opportunity to choose from a variety of purposeful and sequentially developed lessons. These lessons build upon the individual skills and knowledge the child is acquiring at every age level. Our Montessori curriculum consists of instruction in the areas of:
A Home Away from Home in Rockville, MD
We know that a safe, loving, and nurturing environment is essential for the well-being of each child. This is the foundation of our Montessori program. Norbeck Montessori’s highly-qualified staff is dedicated to providing an atmosphere and environment of security as well as an outstanding instructional program to meet the needs of you and your child.

Norbeck Montessori Offers Individualized Instruction
We recognize that growth and development occur as their interests lead them from one level of complexity to another. The multi-aged classrooms provide the younger children with a series of models for imitation and building social skills. The older children have the opportunity to reinforce their knowledge by assisting the younger ones and deepening lifelong leadership skills.
Our mission is to not only build upon each child’s academic skill set but to also help each of them grow positively. We know that their brains are growing at rapid rates and therefore require the appropriate educational environment—one that will have positive and long-term effects. Introducing these positive effects early on enables them to become permanent parts of their lives—something they can carry on through all the stage of life.
Partnering with Parents in Early Childhood Education
The early learning experiences, as well as the people involved in their daily lives, have an important influence on the development of positive attitudes in the educational, social, emotional, and physical aspects of your child. The growth and development of your child can best be achieved through a parent-teacher partnership with open communication. Norbeck Montessori offers several ways for parents to stay connected; parent-teacher conferences and observation of your child in their classroom may be scheduled at any time, and parent involvement in special classroom activities is always appreciated.

Tour Our Rockville Montessori School to Learn More!
There is no better way to see if Norbeck Montessori is right for your child than to come and visit our beautiful school in Rockville! We strongly encourage our families to tour our school prior to applying. Our Transitional Two’s (2-year-old preschool) and Primary Preschool programs are growing, and we offer continual enrollment for preschool children ages 3 to 5.
Contact Norbeck Montessori or fill out our form and we will gladly schedule a date for you to take a tour of our school and classrooms!
A Supportive & Carefully Designed Preschool Environment
At Norbeck Montessori in Rockville, we help children grow positively by teaching them the values and habits of their environment. Using Montessori methodologies, they are shown how to place things into categories and relationships that are useful in discovering and learning their surroundings. Such as:
Discovering how things work
Distinguishing the real from the pretend
Learning their own personal interests and talents
Understanding personal boundaries
Fostering self-discipline
Developing independence to ask questions and think about the events in their world
Spark appreciation of the natural laws which govern our planet
Learn how to use their imaginations positively to adapt and to contribute

What Parents Say
We believe that clear communication with parents is essential to the child’s wellbeing. It is particularly important during the early preschool years when children reach and surpass many developmental milestones. Naturally, we work diligently to help each of the children to be best taken care of. That is the reason why the parents give us best reviews. Here are a few of them.