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Operated Since 1975

Holiday Activities for Children

Holiday Activities for Children

The holiday season is here, and it is a time full of meaning and magic for children. With the fun holiday season, there are many opportunities to find learning endeavors for children. To keep your children busy with fun and learning over the holidays, here are some...

When is the right time to start schooling?

Increasingly high-quality early childhood education has been linked to having a positive influence on a child’s development and school readiness by providing valuable educational and social experiences. Recent research shows that 85% of a child’s brain develops in the...

Teach and Honor This Memorial Day

Who doesn’t love a nice three-day weekend? For many Americans, Memorial Day marks the official beginning of summer; time for pools to open, barbecues with friends and playing in the surf. However, to military families, the meaning runs much deeper. Memorial Day is the...

First Aid Tips for Ticks

Boo-boos, and bug bites – oh my! This summer, keep your child safe in the great outdoors. Some experts have warned that 2017 could be a bad year for the disease-carrying ticks. However, before you forbid your child from going outside, and locking your windows and...

The Benefits of Setting Limits

Ahh, summer break, and if your house was anything like mine, some of the limits and boundaries had relaxed or went out the window altogether. I noticed it; I’m sure my son noticed it and certainly, my sanity or the lack thereof, noticed it. But, it was summer. Limits...

What is peace education?

Peace education is inherent in every level of the Montessori curriculum. Generally defined, peace education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge, and developing attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, others and with the...